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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  April 19, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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taking 19 year old dzhokar tsarnaev into custody two hours ago and after the manhunt leading to a backyard in watertown the first shots of gunfire in the neighborhood holy holy. [gun shots] greta: soon after the neighbors saw and heard around of gun blasts. then the were the suspect
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was hiding in a boat outside a watertown home. >> a call came in to the police and fbi agents responded to franklin street. and a man had come out of his house after being inside all day he walked outside and saw blood on the boat in the backyard. he opened the tarp and he looked in to see that man covered in blood and retreated and called us. we set up a perimeter around the boat and over the course of the next hour we exchanged gunfire with the suspect and ultimately the hostage rescue team and fbi made an injury to remove the suspect who was still alive. >> talk about the imperative to take him alive.
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>> brieux's want to take them alive. >> via understand but talk about why. >> we always want to take somebody alive to find out what happened. >> how badly injured? >> the team did try to negotiate him and talk kim but from what i've understand he was not ccmmunicating. >> i don't have that information. >> do you have your guy? >> based upon our investigation this is a since of the area can be confident this threat has been removed.
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>> the suspect is in serious condition at the hospital. >> he did not rob the 7-11 how did you know, ? >> the suspect came to our attention after a vicious assassination of the police officer at m.i.t. and the subsequent robbery that occurred we have videotape from a gas station. it was actually a carjacking and the officers to engage them with other officers. we otherwise could not put the case together. >> what about the apprehension and? >> they said he was covered with blood and there was an exchange of gunfire at the boat i do not know if he was struck.
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there was a house in new bedford because we felt it was important for the investigation. >> my assessment of that particular incident he was assassinated in his cruiser. he was responding to a call of the disturbance. >> out there still armed could he has been a high-risk? >> we certainly did not give the all clear we've made it clear and the colonel spoke very eloquently. this is a serious and dangerous situation. we had no way to you was holed up in this particular area he managed to elude us by the house side the perimeter that we set up but
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in truth we told the but a that this was a dangerous such rationing and they should be cautious. it is a dangerous time in the world. they believe this man called us right away with 911 to come in to take care of this situation. >> the execution was flawless. they took him into custody life. and it was an awful night for all the involved and to tell a story similar after the capture of osama bin nodded with people did sing in the street of over manhattan it has been a horrible four-- here. what happened overnight was unthinkable to local authorities car chase after
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a carjacking makeshift to hand grenades and improvised explosive devices and the suspect brought into custody is now in serious condition to back the vehicle up over his own brother and said he escaped on foot and they had no idea where he had gone. he said i thought we had enough manpower but we didn't and it turned out he was under a blue tarp like the injured dog waiting to be taken into custody. >> it seemed like a ghost town because everybody was in terrible fear and to think he was hiding like a scared wrapped in the bottom of the boat but then a man noticed a strapless broken it went to fix it and looked inside and there was a suspect civic and every
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point* along the way in order to bring this to a close they ask people close your pllce down everything shut down. i drove to logan airport and made it easier in 10 minutes you cannot do that in the middle of the night. boston audience responded the way they said they would and because of its it is over. greta: imagine running through the marathon nd not just the city but the of world wide event then these two just destroyed lives and lives were changed forever but. >> the people of boston they have been inspiring. the way they have pindus with strings and resilience. now that it is over here to
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see the pictures on the left inside it is understandable that they're sitting of to waive american flags years celebrate that this is over. but they're certainly trying >> no one wants to do that we want to live our lives. look at this celebration. >> two-stage of the emotional roller-coaster has been put through this is an abstract not something you see on television that it has changed every person's life the last few days. when offices are shut down if you cannot drive your car but everything about your psyche changes and daintily tonight it did. >>. >> nobody blaise killed and taken into custody and a man
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who developed to be taken into custody tip your hand to the law-enforcement tonight. thank you. he will be a fly that that night and i will be watching. >> we now go to our correspondent. we can see the suspect he came into the eye hospital on a stretcher. >> we are told buildable injuries we're trying to confirm there are suggestions how many times he was shot to we're trying to get that nailed down to get the exact injuries that we are told he is in some sort of surgery so the information coming out in the massive amounts of quantity the betty taking time to ensure they get the right information out to the media. there is a significant
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police presence at every entrance, every exit with the large campus that crosses over even to the children's hospital a significant presence and as we drove through boston it was interesting to see the stores are opening and as they get back to normalcy there was about 800 students out on the street and they stopped traffic favor cheering all the flags and emergency personnel that by and large -- a lot of sheep -- cheers went up but we were to be sure the suspect made it to have into the
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investigation going forward and there is a number of officers walking around and you cannot get this facility without being checked. i had to stay at a hospital before. >> if you think about it this suspect came to the united states was given asylum by the american people then given citizenship last september and was held now tonight getting surgery a man accused it is reasonable to assume he is guilty killing three people that sent marathon may be hundreds of others and killing a police officer and tonight an american doctor and a contrast to what we have done for him and what he had
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spent for this city? >> i completely agree. they do their best to see he has the recovery enough to get as much information as possible. also he is accused but after the one that causes the horrible tragedies now is to make sure they have the recovery the you have the best and brightest from boston to insure the whole facility is secured that nobody wants vengeance we don't know that information but to be sure that nothing happens it is impressive to watch is somebody knows boston well to see the celebrations space with the community has gone through and knowing that there is
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healing to come. there is a lot of the full dealing with injuries that will have to recover and deal with this in the years to come. boston is strong but there is a lot of people that are still hurting. being hopeful they can keep them alive to get the information but at the same time a lot of people are hurting from that this guy and his brother are alleged to have done. >> his mother was seriously injured and had brain surgery and his sister lost a limb and killing a police officer and tonight his life is saved by americans. police officers did not kill him and we gave him asylum and citizenship. i will certainly like to hear what he has to say.
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please captioning the terrorist suspect lives and now they try to get information from him. could there be a connection? john bolton joins us. what you think about his background? is there any sort of significance? >> raises a llt of questions that we don't begin to have the answers to. chechnya is in a brutal struggle over the last 25 years and chechen have committed acts of terrorism with hostage taking over 1,000 hostages and of the 300 killed. that seizure of the theater in moscow and they have blown up subway stops and apartment buildings and this conflict is motivated by two factors, the desire for
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chechen independence but the increasing radicalization of the islamic population in chechnya. the attack on the boston marathon has nothing to do with separation from russia but it could reflect the connection that many chechen have made with the international terrorist network and we're at a critical point* right now if they take the no one survivor to put them in the criminal justice system or treat him as the enemy combat and that is the route i would go. greta: there has been discussion about making the inquiry for the older brother. might guess it is russia. is that your guests to find out if he was radical? >> that is the most likely but remember chechen have been fouud all over the middle east and iraq and
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afghanistan throughout the world. that is why the question of how much training they ot, not just the fabrication of the bomb but look at how they comported themselves in the last 24 hours to engage in heavy gunfire and maybe they picked it up in the backyard , i don't know. it is possible but i think there is more of the indication that they had training beyond simple bomb making. greta: it is the chillier especially the item under one. he came to the united states at age nine. i don't think he ever even lived in chechnya. he had more roots in the united states. if that is the origin of the killing come it is peculiar and we don't have that affirmation and why would he feel so connected?
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>> the general feeling is radicalized here, which is possible or because he was already part of the terrorist movement. there were child soldiers throughout history and anybody willing to plant a bomb to kill the a year-old boy is certainly prepared. people should be optimistic we will learn a lot. if he is in the justice system to put the right out and get the most likely prospect is steve will clam up. i am unsure if we teach this as criminal-justice we've will learn more about the deceased brother. greta: it will be interesting to see less happens. ambassador, thank you. >> the ipo stock price we
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have new information and our fox news correspondent joins us. >> the process to find out how he was radicalized has already begun. in new bedford and authorities have confirmed to fox news that three college students have been taken into custody. at the university of massachusetts dartmouth. that is the college at which dzhokar tsarnaev is a student and it is believed these three students may have fed rebates. to men and women brought into custody for of washington that they're not part of the police but this young man's injury i talked to him who knew him a few
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years ago who were studying at cambridge just up the street from harvard's regular is on the wrestling team, a scholarship, that he was popular and hong about one student said he hung out with them and smoked pot and listened to rap music so how did go from that with one or two years later to do with what he has accused of having done and is responsible for three murders to wage the two-man war against united states of america being someone who is allegedly involved in the islamic. greta: -- jihadist actions that is us and that has to go through by authorities and the air-conditioning repair man in the court to visit him were then the21
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convicted and accused of bombing cover all of trade center. so authorities tried to put a piece by piece together so as the ambassador said with the terrorism he believes that will not happen and to talk to boston police commissioner i asked did anybody come forward with those walking around the corner or did any member of the family or sister or others in the massachusetts area or the mother in cambridge did any of them
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come forward to contact authorities to say yes beano the suspects? here is their names and address in the commissioner said no. they have not heard anything from the family members of dzhokar tsarnaev. back to you. greta: cheers industries of watertown there is much more with the live coverage from boston continues. do not go way. stay with us.give [cheers and applause] and everyone wants... ♪ 50% more doo wop ♪ 50% more buckarooooooooos ♪ 50% more yeeeaaahhhh!!!! ♪ 50% more yeah yeah [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ 50% more boogie
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is an ominous second suspect snelling did destiny indeed or tell backyard.
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now the sister is speaking to reporters trail a door -- through a door. >> well the uncle -- you're family talking all over the place. >> all over the place. >> so why would they -- i don't understand. >> well, like, how you feel. >> honestly, in hoppest, you talk now, and we will leave. we don't want to linger. we know she's hurting. she was about to -- ma'am, are you okay?
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are you okay? >> i'm not okay like everyone else is not okay. no one is okay right now. it's a very shocking news, and i just, i have nothing to say absolutely, and i want to be left alone. >> you lost a relative. can you tell us about him? >> he was a great person, that's who i loved, respected him, kind, loving man, and the same way he treated others. i -- you know, they say, and they shoot. i have no idea if that was my brother who planned this, but you guys need to leave us alone. >> when was the last time you've seen him, ma'am? >> a long time ago. >> how about your other brother that they are looking for, can you tell us about him?
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>> he's innative child. >> we talked to your father this morning. >> i'm pretty sure my father is hurt. >> he's hurt, but said they were smart kids. >> they are smart, and my older brother was smart, and they -- i just i don't know what got into them. i don't know. >> did you grow up in chechnya? >> no, i don't. >> where? >> been all over the world my whole life, and i really don't want to answer the questions. i'm really sorry. >> you guys got here in 2001; is that right? >> i lived here all my life. i'm sorry, i was born and raised here. >> are you related -- how are you related? >> i'm her husband. >> oh, you're her husband. >> yes. >> oh, okay, golf got ya. >> i don't want her giving that information. >> we just want to make sure we say it.
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>> you need to ask if before i close the door. >> how did you know them? >> with them a year and a hall, she had not seen them for years. i don't know. i never knew any of them. first of all, this is all i say, i'm not muslim, and -- >> now, that was the sister of the two suspects, one in custody tonight, the other dead, of course, and dan goldberg of the star ledger poke to her. he's here. dan, did he describe in any way the relationship with the brothers, whether she talked to him recently or had any contact with him? >> she told us she had not spoken to them in a long time, and he clarified it by saying it had been years. >> did she -- was she surprisedded at all that was her brothers that were the ones who had been accused of the being the bombers? >> she was shockee. i think mostly because the media found her before the authorities did, and because of all she had to process in the last 24 hours,
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she was completely shocked. >> did she say why she had no contact with her brothers or anything about them being radicalized or anything at all? >> nothing about religion or being radicalized and no -- she didn't mention why they had not spoken. >> did she say she's seen the video of them on the television in the pictures before their names had come out? >> she heard media reports, but did not elaborate on whether she had seen the photos or heard about the shooting that happened the night before. >> okay, so there was no -- i take it sheedidn't call the fbi and tip them off, those are my brothers, here are their names? >> there seems to be no indication of that. the fbi arrived in full force about an hour after that interview. they came with a dozen agentses, jackets, secured the perimeters, did not look like they were invited. >> you beat the fbi, dan? >> we believe we did.
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>> extraordinary interview, unbelievable. dan, thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> coming up, the teenager in police custody and the search for answers begins. what will he tell police about the terror or tack or will he? we are constantly getting new information so don't go away. ♪ ng your lawn isn't always easy. but maybe thproblem isn't your lawn. introducing the all-wheel-drive
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>> back live in boston, and right now, the injured bombing suspect is at best israel hospital. fox correspondent has the latest, and, adam, we have the picture on the screen when he was brought in on the stretcher. he doesn't look good. >> no, we are told there's multiple injuries he received. they will not say whether it's gunshot injuries or we know he's been shot once. again, trying to get more information from the hospital, of course, and front sources as the night moves on, of course, getting that corrected, the most important thing. they are treating him now, and he's in surgery, but has multiple injuries, and one of the injuries is a gunshot wound. we don't know where it is. we were told a couple things, but until confirmed, we won't pass them along yet. at beth israel, significant police presence. one to the right here, and one of the entrances to the west clinic center, four out front, and more inside, all throughout this campus, it's a large campus in boston. everywhere you go, the children's hospital across the
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street, there's police officers at the entrance and exit to the emergency room there. a significant police prince as doctors worked to ensure that the suspect stays alive, and they do what they can to, obviously, get him to recover as much as they can to get as much information out of him, of course, once the recovery process is at a point where authorities believe they can hopefully get the interview process started. at this hour, that's not what their concern is. of course, the concern is to keep him alive and ensure they have a chance to at some point interview him. there's significant police presence, outside the hospital and inside the hospital, and driving through boston tonight to get to the hospital, there were a number of intersections, a lot of college students out. at one place, they had blocked off all four lanes of the roadway, sheer cheering, signs, cars turned left to go around them because the thoroughfare was shut down. as you move throughout the city, life is getting back to normal, and you come here where the action is right now, as they work, as doctors work to keep this man alive.
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>> of course, the viewer should note he's in custody, under arrest. the police will not leave his side the whole time he's there. he's going nowhere if he gets better. he's under arrest, under guard at that hospital. so viewers are clear, he's not going to walk away. adam, thank you very much. >> absolutely. >> earlier today, the uncle of the accused bomber spoke to reporters in maryland, and his uncle's outraged. >> i don't know. we've not been in touch with that family for number of years. for number of years -- pardon me? >> [inaudible] >> no, they never lived here. >> never lived here? >> never lived here. >> last time you saw them? >> was 2006. that was -- i'm sorry, december 2005. >> did you know them to have any ill-will towards the united states? >> no, no, no, i never knew it, even if i had a guess or something, i would just admit
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that myself. >> what do you think provoked them? >> being losers, hatred to those who were able to settle themselves. these aren't the only reasons. i can't imagine, anything else, anything else with religion, with islam, it's a fraud, it's a fake. >> did they have any military training at all? >> no, no, as much, again, i seen them when they were kids. >> any experience with guns or -- i don't know. i see them in 2005. >> [inaudible] >> what? >> [inaudible] >> we're muslims, we're ethnic chechnyans. >> do you think they were radicalized? >> if that happen, most likely, somebody radicalized them, but it's not my brother who just moved back, who spent his life bringing bread to their table.
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>> right. >> fixing cars, fixing cars. he didn't have time or chance or anything, option like that. he's been working. that's it. >> [inaudible] >> no, no. i have not been inside with the brother, i don't know anything about that. >> [inaudible] >> no, my family has nothing to do with that family. >> [inaudible] >> pardon me? >> are you ashamed by what unfolded? >> of course we're ashamed, we're ashamedded. they are children of my brother who little influence over them, honestly, as far as i know, who had little influence of them. >> [inaudible] >> it's a personal -- it's a personal thing. i didn't -- i just wanted -- i just wanted my family to be away from them. >> [inaudible]
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>> again, the only, i say what i think was behind it, being losers, not being able to settle themselves. thereby, hating everyone who did. >> coming up, is there any link between the suspects' chechnya roots and motive for the attack? hear from a foreign terror expert as our live coverage continues next. ♪ @
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[hip-hop music]
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♪ ♪ people livin' like they ain't got no mamas ♪ ♪ i think the whole world's addicted to the drama ♪ ♪ where is e love - ma'am. - [gasps] - you forgot your purse. - oh. thank you. thank you very much.
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>> wild 24 hours in boston, and tonight, a bombing suspect in custody and surgery. started five hours after the fbi released photos of the marathon bombing suspect. here's what happened. this is a fox news alert, reports of gun shorts on the campus of mit. >> the building is surrounded by responding agencies.
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the situation is considered active and extremely dangerous. nothing to indicate that there is a connection between what happened here on boyleston street and what's going on on the campus of mit, but the chronology is all there. [bleep] get down! ♪ [bleep] get out of the way! >> there's a big chase underway still in boston following a police shooting that happened on the campus of mit, an officer shot and killed there, two suspects on the run earlier, one is in custody, and there's still one that police are trying to find. >> these guys apparently have a scanner traffic, dine mate, improvised explosive devices. >> what you are seeing now is
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the back end of the crime scene because at least four blocks down there, we know they are looking for a suspect. they know that they will use explosives. they know they will fire. as we heard, a police officer himself before, whether this is a larger scene, whether it was mit scene, or just a robbery, these guys are playing for keeps, and they are not afraid to shoot. ♪ >> we're trying to get information out to the people who live here, that they should stay in their homes and not open their doors unless police officers are there. we believe this to be a terrorist. we believe this to be a man who has come here to kill people. >> boston police say that one suspect is dead, another suspect is on the run, and not accounted for. that second suspect would be the person described as suspect number two wearing the white hat in the images the fbi put out as you see screen right. >> according to police is the
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individual identified as suspect number two, had the white cap on when the fbi released the video, released the images, and now they just released the most recent images of him with the gray hoody on. >> suspect number one, age 26, roots out of chechnya and russia is dead. suspect number two, said to be 19-year-old brother, still at the moment, on the lose, and there is a massive man hunt throughout the city and surrounding communities, and watertown massachusetts to find the 19-year-old and take him into custody. >> we are progressing through the neighborhood going door to door, street to street, and we do not have any developments in terms of the search up there, there's been no apprehension at3 this point. >> we do not have an apprehension of our suspect this afternoon. >> right now, here in downtown boston, there are police and swat vehicles, as you can see, streaming in that direction. i see two men in the front of that, and they are flying past. >> shots fired and a suspect is
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down. again, this is a according to a state police source, the suspect is down. >> suspect number two, f you are just turning on right now, suspect number two has been arrested after a long negotiation and a standoff outside franklin street in watertown. >> the brothers have been living in the united states for years, but they have roots in chechnya. could that have anything to do with a possible motive? fox news expert here joining us. malid, what about the roots in chechnya? >> well, look, fact number one, if they are and because they are chechnyan does not mean they are anti-american, but if recruited to be jihadist, they are on a collision course with the united states automatically, and that's very clear. chechnya, bosnia, many countries at odds with either india or russia or muslim countries have been supported, actually, by the united states, but every
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jihadist in the countries have been working against the united states. the equation is if he's chechnya, but jihadist, once he's in the united states, encouraged by other jihadists to act against the country. >> jahar, the younger one in the hospital, he's never been out of the country since he came here in the early 2000s. it's questionable how he was radicalized, if, indeed, that's what it is. >> if you hear what his uncle said and what many intellectuals and counterterrorism officials in america have been saying, not just about this case, but the 48 cases of homeland security threats, it is really about who is radicalizing these people, and it's not just foreigners who are coming here. american born. we have had many either convert and radicalize or home grown cells. there is a preesh ri radicalizing individuals that could go through internet or through direct meetings or foreign travel.
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>> well, i read one place that in social media, the older brother didn't have any american friends, which sounded like he never connected with america even though he had been here. >> well, we visited the facebook and we visited the youtube. it's very strange. they may have not connected or he may not have connected with americans at large, but we see many americans who go by his own ideas. they were supported on interpret. it's not really about the national identity or cultural identity, but ideology. he goes with like-minded people, and that's what we read on internet. >> thank you. a note to the viewers, go to to see the picture of the man now in custody who is at the hospital. of course, much more live coverage from here in boston so stay with us. ♪ take theseags room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day.
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>> celebrations in boston, the second marathon bombing suspect captured, and fox news correspondent as an update, and, mike, what a contrast. a fire truck pulled up, and everyone cheered, and i'm at the edge of the marathon finish line, people are chilling, and i posted a picture of the suspect in the hospital. what a contrast. what's it like where you are? >> well, you know, greta, looks like the spontaneous street
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demonstration or celebration, i should say, has all but dried up. the people here are tired and had the opportunity to go home and took it, but earlier tonight, it was really interesting to see something that was spontaneous and authentic and patriotic, a real expression of gratitude of the emergency responders who were such a big part of this and broader resolution to the chapter of the particular tragedy. earlier, we saw people crowding around radios to listen to the latest developmenns after the shelter in place ban was lifted, and they were able to walk out on the street, and shortly after that, all the emergency vehicles raced out to the location, and then people, once they realized it was over, it was resolved, a great cheer went up, and they formed a gauntlet on either side of the road and flags came out. they were not boston or massachusetts centric. those were american flags that came out. when they sang songs, it was patriotic songs.
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it's clear that the people here viewed the tragedy as a wound, not just to boston or massachusetts, but this was an attack on america. they understood that the country was with them. they celebrated as americans that this stage of the tragedy is over, and then started looking towards healing, started looking towards paying attention to the people who lost their lives, who were so badly injured as a result of what happened here greta. >> you know, i can't forget the contrast. you know, we gave this man asylum, gave him citizenship, saving his life tonight, and look what he's done. what a contrast between two different ways to approach life. one trying to help and save someone, and the other is to kill. mike, as always, thank you very much. to the viewers, thank you for being with us tonight. go to, a lot to share there. there's a lot to share. we are live the next entire hour with new information, cor responsibilities all over the
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city of boston. good night from boston, and shepherd smith will be right here live with more information. don't go away. good night. ♪ l stations come over to missn a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one.
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